Well, Bella’s cast is still around. She got sick the night before removal, so we had to re-schedule. The hospital has already rescheduled that one as well. They are afraid of her airway, so we will head downtown around lunch time on Monday - third? fourth? (losing count) times the charm, I’m hoping!
I saw this cheap drum set at the store and got it. They love it! I thought Brother would like it, and he does, but it’s the girls who go crazy with it!

This week I worked all four days – a first! Yeah! I was about to write that no one had to go to the hospital for anything, but that’s not true, poor Jason ended up in Urgent Care with another Kidney Stone. Time and lots of water (and pain killers) is what that needs.
This week marks the end of yearly physicals. We have been slowly trickling through our favorite pediatrician's office. Now for labs and a few referrals.
Saturday was a big day. The Stake had a Temple Youth Day. They had baptisms, workshops, and pizza for the youth. They were gone for four hours. They had such a wonderful time! I picked up some seriously hyper girls!
Afterwards we brought home some friends who stayed with us till the Women’s Broadcast that night. We bought paint to paint mason jars. Lizzy is planning a huge activity for YW – A Modesty Fashion Show. (Basically a small reception with centerpieces and decorations). She’s using it for one of her Value Projects in Personal Progress. Sammi and her friend baked cake for us and brownies for the broadcast.

Then we all headed out to the Broadcast. Fun to have such a big group! I took Joy this year! We had a great dinner at church and then moved into the chapel for the broadcast. I loved Sister Wixom’s talk on Divine Nature. About that time, Joy told her she was ready to go home. OK baby. It was so late! It doesn’t even start until 8PM here in the Eastern Time Zone! So I got her home and back to hear Pres. Utchdorf’s parable about Ava and Great Aunt Rose. One of my questions going into Conference was am I hurting my babies with my part time job? I found great peace in Pres. Utchdorf’s comment about filling our lives with meaningful activities. How grateful I am for conference and revelation! It was a blessing for me to be there last night! (and yes, Joy did remove her hat before we got to the church!)

Joy dressed herself this morning. I told her she looked so cute and her answer was adorable! “I look like Gecca!” This girl loves her sister! Exhibit A (picture of Jason and Becca) as evidence – boots, jeans, shirt. Smart girl!

Brother has a new nickname – Destructo Boy! We love him to pieces – and he’s breaking my house down to pieces! – broken drawer, broken wall, broken faucet, broken toilet seat, broken clock, broken toys. Oh well. They are just things. Love this cute, destructive boy!