I love the sunrises here!

I am determined to have it be spring, so Sammi and I bought mulch and pansies. We cleaned up the flower beds and planted and mulched. It felt awesome to do yard work again!

Sammi and I enjoyed Tex-Mex for lunch! The earth is slowly waking up! I wore sandals in the afternoon. Oh, happy day!

These two went to a KMEA competition. Lizzy was allowed to play with the older orchestra. They scored a Distinguished. Then they headed over to St Matthew’s mall for lunch and shopping. Jessi bought this fun Tardis necklace – it says” Bigger on the inside” on the back.

Brother got a new Braille book! Love that he has books too!
Over to therapy. We are continuing to work on switches. He’s got this! If I hit the button, it says More. Then the people push me on the swing! And he loved the fan! If he pushed the button, the fan would come on. He loved the feel of that!

Huge deal here! Joy HATES stink bugs. I mean HATES! She will scream and you have to dispose of the creature before peace can be restored. So her getting a piece of tissue and grabbing the bug was phenomenal! Way to go babe! Face those fears!
One way to make Lizzy a happy girl – buy sushi!

Brother listening to Jessi’s music! A tea party for Joy

My sweet Jessi. She was smiling, so I had to take pictures! This girl. The number of prayers I pray for her! She is such a quiet thing. How I wish sometimes that I was telepathic and could read her thoughts. She loves to laugh and be sarcastic. She loves to be with friends and to read. I love her so.

My cute boy – playing outside, barefoot! He was exploring the grass and following my voice in the last two pictures. I’m so proud of him.

These goofy monkeys! Their new boots came in – pink! This set of pictures says so much about them. They love each other so much. Of course they drive each other crazy too. But I am grateful they have each other!

So this is how we do our grocery list. I think it’s so funny how technology has changed how I shop! If you want it, Mom will buy it ONLY if it’s on the list. So the list grows, I take a picture with my phone and then go to the store and buy what’s on the picture. Crazy!

Love a sleeping picture! Too cute! My cuddly boy and his sweet Sammi.

More therapy! I am always looking for toys / therapy tools that will help Brother meet his sensory needs so we can work on other things. Therapist had this teether. When you bite it, it vibrates. Perfect for Alex! So I took a picture so I could order it when I got home. Because DON”T google “vibrating toy”. There’s a reason we have to talk to our youth constantly about porn. An innocent search returns terrible things!

We saw this at the store and had to take a picture! Our sweet Baby Bella!
And the side of our house. It’s this thin strip of mulch. So I put all of our mosaics and painted rocks there. It makes me smile.

I got to sub at VIPS three days this week. Wow! My sister who works has my respect! It’s not easy getting everyone where they need to be, on time, and get yourself to work! And then work and then cook and clean and be happy and do everything it is that moms do!
We found a new viola teacher for Lizzy. He is located right here behind us in Oldham County. He is fabulous! He will help her progress so far! I am so pleased!
Saturday we headed over to the Zoo. Jason has been wanting to go back since we went last on December 26th. But Friday night he twisted his ankle. We looked it up and realized they rent motorized scooters. We were quite a sight with our wheelchair, two strollers, and a motorized scooter! We enjoyed a picnic at the zoo! It was fun, but since it was the first nice weekend we have had all year, half of Louisville was there!

Jason and I realize that so much of why our family works is because the big kids are always helping, so we try and do special things for them as well. That afternoon Lizzy hung out (cause I can’t say Play date anymore, she’s 12!) with a friend. Sammi had had enough social so she just wanted to retreat to her room. So Jason and Jessi went to the Kentucky Science Museum. She loved the time with her Dad and her “Mummy!”

On Sunday I was sitting next to some young moms. I was holding a sweet little baby and saying how I missed this stage. One of the moms looked at me and said, but I can’t wait till mine are teenagers. I thought about it. How I love when they are little! Everything can be fixed with a kiss and a snuggle! You can shelter and protect them from the crazy world! When they are big, it’s so much easier physically! They can walk, talk, and look after their physical needs. You can say, Let’s have a picnic and stand back and watch as they make sandwiches, pack fruit, and do all the work themselves. How I love my family! I am so grateful I was allowed to be a mother!