Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sammi’s Poetry

Sammi wrote two new poems recently.

Another World

I’ve traveled to a world where the flowers sing,

And I danced all night with the fairy king.

Where the grass was soft like a mossy pillow,

And I slept tucked away under a willow.

Where people and plants are one and the same,

And I watched flower children play their games.

Where I waded into a cool dark creek,

And met merpeople shy and meek.

Where I heard a sad, sad song,

When I returned home where I belong.


A Babbling Brook

A babbling is a beautiful thing,

Splashing around it can almost sing.

Trickling by at day or night,

A babbling brook is a lovely sight.

Carrying along many buds and twigs,

In a current neither small, nor big.

Flowing softly into a cool, dark nook,

Goes the beautiful sound of a babbling brook.

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