We were boo’d – so we boo’d others! Jason changed the side that my dryer opens to fit with the way our laundry room is situated here. Joy saw him and decided he needed a flashlight. Love her thoughtful heart!

I found my friend's bread recipe! So I was able to make Melanie's bread for the first time in this house. Made me miss her all the more!

As part of her Kick Starter rewards, Rachel Coleman released a Christmas Story song that Bella adores! Wish we could share it, but it’s not public. Bella adores Rachel Coleman!
Joy helping me make curry!

My girls are getting lots of training for future callings – bring meals to families, visiting new babies, visiting ladies after surgery, these girls are going to be amazing women! They are so compassionate and loving – I love that about them! And I love that they WANT to help me perform service .

Bella and I waiting and waiting and waiting for the General Surgeon. Surgery is schedule for December 5th (Bec’s bday) for tubes, hernia repair, and sedated ECHO. It’s so late out because they have to coordinate all of those different schedules. (And because they are afraid of her history so we have to go downtown rather than a normal out patient)

Brother looking so grown up in his sweater. Playing in the sand and with the See and Speak with 3D animals/figures.

I go through ups and downs with life and accepting Brother’s limitations. Lately, probably because we have to go through all of this stupid testing for school, I am on a down. This week’s “I hate Meningitis” picture – poor Brother walked right into my bed post. Nose bleed everywhere! Hate this for him!

Friday night Jason and I went to our nearby Mexican restaurant – Spanish was being spoken, sports were on the TV, the food was great, Mexican music was playing, people of all races were there – ahh, it was good for my soul. For a moment I was in Houston again.

VIPS Trunk or Treat

Little Red Riding Hood A Cute Bumblebee OB1 and Binky

Merry Christmas The Grim Reaper The Goddess Athena

Church Truck or Treat

Jason and I went on a bike ride and explored Pewee Valley. We had such a great time! We stopped at two Art and Crafts fairs and picked up some local honey and a few gifts for Christmas. We live in a beautiful place!

Sunday afternoon, Jessi and I headed out to try and capture the last of the color before it’s all gone for the season. Soon, so many of the trees are naked now.

I want so badly to record the beauty, but I just don’t have the skills. It’s truly breathtaking. When the light hits the leaves, it’s like colored light twinkling above my head. It’s physically painful to me that I can’t preserve it. It’s so very beautiful!
Jessi and I were talking. It’s in moments like that, when I am overwhelmed by the beauties of nature, that I have to agree with Alma, “all things denote there is a God!” (Alma 30:44)
Sammi needs to doodle (or do something) to listen. Here is her “Where’s Waldo?” Amazon Women Style from Seminary this week. I told her I hope there are no boys sitting next to her! Love her details!

Becca had quite the week! Read about it here.