Skyping with Becca
Jessi went to a practice for a Stake Fireside and Joy had to practice too!

Grandpa and Grandma over after church. Jason sure misses his parents! He loves when they are in town.

Monday Sandi came over and finished up Alex’s blanket. I love it! There are so many different textures and things to feel! Thank you to everyone who sent fabric, to Mama for sewing the top together, to everyone who tied it, and to Sandi for finishing it! It’s perfect for Brother!

I made gingerbread cookies on Monday. For our FHE activity we went caroling and delivered cookies. How fun it was to us when we got home and the Talleys and Putnams came caroling and delivering cookies to us!

Tuesday I took all four November birthdays in for their well child check-ups. Dr Reed was so impressed by how much better Bella is doing! Alex was officially diagnosed as having asthma, so we begin the daily medications and have a rescue inhaler. I told the girls they could skip the rest of the school day. Sammi slept all day. I remember Becca used to do this. I am in High School. I have ten minutes? I shall sleep!

Joy helping me pick out brother’s cake. A big one this year!

Lizzy got her bow in Orchestra – a very big deal!!
Look at this license plate! :) I had to text it to Bec!!

Wednesday at Texas Children’s for another hearing test. No improvement and she is not a candidate for hearing aids. They did note that one of her tubes is clogged, so we’ll head into ENT.

General cuteness at home


Joy showing Bella all of her schoolwork. Learning to write her name!

Bella is getting better at not fighting breathing treatments. Having something to watch helps.
She is being casted for new AFOs. Tall ones on both legs now. With her leg changing everyday because of that plate in her knee, the knee brace doesn’t help anymore. That means she gets to have matching tall AFOs now. They are ordering some that will give her more support but limit her dorsal flexion. Hope it helps!

We have a year to get Brother OK with sitting in chairs for school. First step is bringing in the picnic table from outside. He would rather play on the floor where he is grounded. (He loves the jingle bells!)

Playing with the nativity

Thursday Alex’s TVI brought over a calendar. It has braille on it. It now hangs in the play room when he can feel it. We do calendar together now in the morning.
Grandma and Grandpa stopped by to say good-bye before heading back to Iowa. Be safe! We’ll miss you!

Friday was pajama day at school. The librarian read The Polar Express to the kids and they had sugar cookies and hot chocolate. Joy and Lizzy came home with silver bells. So sweet! Bella’s class decorated cookies.

Joy and Bella made these cute ornaments with their Speech Therapist.
Moving forward with learning Braille. It’s coming along. (Notice my brain food, chocolate and peanut butter!)

Jessi’s friends had a birthday party. Other than that and an additional harp practice for the Stake Fireside coming up, we didn’t have anything else scheduled. Ahh…We were able to do a little shopping and to watch Despicable Me 2. I needed a day with fewer obligations. It was lovely.
Three Concerts this week:
Klein High School Choir for Sammi

Doerre Orchestra for Jessi

5th Grade Music Program at Mittlestadt for Lizzy

I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas
Frosty Hand Jive
Pat - a - Pan