Sunday, November 11, 2012

Our Week

Tuesday was Parent Teacher Conference.  Joy is doing really well.  She is a joy to have in class!  Loved hearing that!  There was also no school, so made cookies!  Cute Joy!


Playing  in the backyard


Tuesday was also Bella’s 4th Birthday!  Amazing!  Love ya babe!


Wednesday night – Self Defense Class.  It was Jessi’s first YW  She and Sam were partners – very fun!  Bec laid low and let those lungs heal up some more!


DSC01178Wednesday Bella and I spent downtown with pulmonary.  See more on her blog.

Thursday Bella and I spent downtown seeing the dentist.  No cavities!  G-tube feed kids usually don’t get cavities, but they get terrible build up.  He wants to wait a little more before putting her under and taking care of those teeth.  Gives me time, too, to get some other things set up.  Like taking care of her hernia (from one of her many chest drain tubes).  One sedation, two procedures – effective use of sedation!



Friday was a musical day for Jes.  early Region music rehearsal, school, piano lesson, and then straight to District wide Region rehearsal.  One tired girl.


Saturday our whole family and Jessi’s friend went to see Wreck-it Ralph.  Yes, even Bella!


Poor puppies: Tuesday Hershey got fixed.  Friday Husky got fixed.






Garden pictures


With a million therapies, doctor appointments, and twice a week homebound school, the girls don’t often get one of the perks of homeschooling – field trips.  So Friday, Joy skipped school, I left the nurse in charge of school and PT, and we went to the zoo!

Joy loved the map! Liz loved climbing on things!  Sammi LOVED the owl!


                                             using the signs in the aquarium like a light box for Alex


Food:  With all of this beef and steak, Jason is getting good at grill marks.  Becca is prepared – I love that she can make dinner without any help (and without a recipe).  This is her sweet rice.


Because of the election, we have been pretty down over here.  I have hear it referred to as Conservative Depression.

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