Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Alex!



Our sweet Brother is one!  Hard to believe!

He is such a sweet little boy!  We love him so!





Becca bought him some balloons.  He loved hitting them!


Poor planning on my part – he went to the doctor and got all of his shots and his Synagsis shot on his birthday.  So he wasn’t in the best mood.  He wanted Becca to hold him, but no big Alex grins today.





Grandma and Grandpa Turpin, Grandma Ball, Nathan, and Mandy all came over and had dinner with us.  then we had cake and ice cream, followed by opening presents.





Alex’s cake                                          He’s thinking about whether or not he likes it!IMG_2507IMG_2509

Trying ice cream:                                     Hmm…I’m not sureIMG_2510IMG_2511

Joy got to open his presents.  He wasn’t all that interested.  He just wanted to make sure he got his bottle! :)


Grandma got him a cute church outfit and some band instruments that fit into his hands.  Bella thinks they are wonderful!


We got him some toys and more braille books.


Grandma Turpin got him a card that played music and this fun horse.


Brother’s stats today:

weight 19 lb. 3 oz. (5%)

length 27 1/2 inches long.  (<5%)

head circumference 17 5/7 inches (10%)

At birth:

weight 2.6 lb. (95%)

length 14.7 inches long. (85%)

head circumference 10.4 inches (85%)

I don’t have a picture of him at birth.  I can’t imagine how teeny he must have been!

Today he is a sweet, happy little boy.  He is doing so well!  His pediatrician is blown away. 

He is trying so hard to sit up.  His record so far is 1 minute and 37 seconds.  He is trying to crawl.  He gets up on his knees with one hand extended.  It’s all progress!  It’s so exciting!

On the vision front, he is able to tolerate a full half hour of vision therapy now.  Before he would tire so easily when asked to look at things.  When I hold him and walk around, he faces his head the direction we are going.  We will see where CVI takes us.

He LOVES to jump.  It is his absolute favorite thing to do!  He is such a sweet little boy. He is ticklish!  It’s so fun.  He laughs when you change his clothes.  He is just a delight!

We all just adore him!  We are so grateful he is in our family!

Happy 1st Birthday to you Alex!

Brother! Didi!

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