The summer started off with Region Camp for Orchestra. Becca’s friend’s little sister, stayed with us while that was going on. Becca started her American History class at Lone Star Community College.

The first week of June brought OT and PT evals for Alex. Let’s just say that it was painful to hear some of what was said. They both expect him to be diagnosed with CP at some point, it’s just a matter of when the doctors decide to slap that label on him. They both want him in intense therapy three times a week. I had allowed myself to dream and had great plans for him. Oh well, we love Alex, so we accept this reality and try to help him be the very best he can be.
Meanwhile, he is the sweetest and happiest baby on earth! We love his smiles, coos, and laughs!

Sammi and Lizzy’s school books came for next year. I spent a lot of time planning and filling in schedules for next year. I am finished with Lizzy and about half way through with Sammi’s plans. I think it’s going to be a great year!
Fun times with puppies, sisters, and friends.

Bella has been sick and I have welcomed Sammi’s help. The Aubles stopped by – we were delighted!

Just life frozen in the moment…Joy’s new necklace, Alex on the floor, building in OT

Bella still sick. We have had some awesome thunderstorms! The puppies get to come into the laundry room during the storms.

Daddy playing with Didi Becca got to go to the Houston Ballet with TFME. They ate at Hard Rock Café and saw Romeo and Juliet.

Swimming every day wipes Lizzy out! Lizzy found some caterpillars and made them a home. We waited and yes, they formed cocoons and hatched into moths – very cool!

Joy takes the puppies care very seriously! Daddy and Alex. He is so adorable!! (Well, they both are, really) Yes, that is Spike on the trampoline! Ugh!

Becca with Didi – we were given this onesie. It says, “Little Brothers are Awesome!” We totally agree! Jessi made this picture using clay – I love it! Cute Joy!

Sammi ready for camp! One whole week without our Sammi. So quiet and lonely around here without her! Bella still sick. Joy loves Alex!

Spike loves to come into the house, so Joy will run after him, “Spike!” and grab him. He is almost as big as she is! Becca spiking Alex’s hair. Such a sweet boy!

Marissa and Jay come over and work out with Jason and Sammi. I realized I had never taken a picture – so there you go. Proof!

When Beth was here, Lizzy complained that she never gets any mail. Beth sent her a card! She was so excited! She told me she loves Beth! Sisters

Playing with Alex We love his smiles!

Lizzy’s Swim Meet – this is the first swim meet that I haven’t been volunteering during most of the meet, which meant that Liz and I got to spend more time together. There was a great park by the pool that we explored. We loved it! We’ll have to bring the family soon.

Sorry for the lousy pictures – but they represent a fun time! My sisters, Kathie and donna and I meet up for dinner. It was so much fun! We talked kids, husbands, church, school, life, everything. It was so much fun! We are hoping to do this once a quarter.

Love those jumps! Katie came over and played with us one day

Swimming is exhausting! Friends playing

Bella loves her hat Nails painted and ready for her 5 year old check up. Sammi dressed her up – so fun!

Jessi and Joy playing on the computer Jessi and Lizzy headed to a friend’s to swim

One happy Becca – truly gluten free pizza! Bella loves Alex!

My parents got back from Germany! It’s nice to have them back on American soil, although I’m sure my sister, Asia, would disagree. It was great to see them – and to send Spike home with them!
Friday Jessi, Joy, and I drove out to camp to pick up some of the Young Women. With our 12 passenger van, I’m sure that it won’t be the last time I’m asked to make that drive! Jessi and I sang, and admired the landscape on our 2 1/2 hour drive up. We saw some cool clouds! And we had lots and lots of Sonic. After being up all night with Bella (no night nurse), Sonic was very necessary! I was very happy to hug my Sammi girl! There was a lot of sleeping going on during the ride back – thank goodness it wasn’t me sleeping!

Lizzy’s Swim Meet - Lizzy isn’t sure whether or not she wants to do Swim Team next year. She wants to have more free time. The one good thing about swim team is how much she has learned and how much she has improved. Every week she gets ribbons for time improvement and she comes in 1st, 2nd or 3rd in her heat. I have been very impressed with her progress!

Happy Father’s Day Jason!! How we all love you!

I asked the girls to give me their thoughts on the summer thus far:
Sammi - I went to camp. It was so awesome this year. It was raining and hailing half the time, so it was nice and cool this year (100 plus last year). I had different expectations for camp this year, so I enjoyed hanging out with everybody. We had a lot of fun playing the games and learning new songs. When I got back I had forgotten how to take care of Didi! My hope for this summer is to get together with some friends and play a Hunger Games adventure.
Becca - Region Camp was gross because I was right between the two levels. The lower level was too easy and the higher level was too hard, so I didn’t fit, which was frustrating. The Houston Ballet was fun. We all thought we would much rather watch the play than read the book! Then I’ve been in school. My class is fine. (She is taking American History at Lone Star.)
Jessi – So far this summer I have played. I went with my friend to Monkey Business. It was so much fun. It was just bouncy houses everywhere! I have helped take care of my siblings - mostly Didi and Joy. I have gone to Lori’s house. I have done cleaning projects and math. I have been practicing music. And reading and reading and reading! I went on a six hour drive with Mama to pick up girls from camp. We stopped at Sonic every now and then. I liked going there and enjoying the scenery and singing with Mama and the nap I took on the way back.
Lizzy – This summer I have gone swimming. I have practiced piano and gone swimming and swimming. I have played outside and mostly just gone swimming. I have played with the puppies and played with my friends.
Our Alex video for this post: