Cough, cough, hack, hack (repeat) That about sums up our week. Joy and Bella have been sick all week. Sammi got sick on Friday. That devastated her. She was supposed to go on the YW Camp out (so was I , but Bella was crashing) She was sad to miss it. Jason and I both have it now. So fun!
Let’s see…we studied Germany this week. So lots of Grimm Fairy Tales (here is Cinderella – can you see it?)

For our read aloud we are reading Mary Poppins (she’s nicer in the Disney version) so a nice tea. And in case you are wondering, not German at all, just fun!

Spring is here…Jessi’s allergies are going crazy…so no nature walk this week, but the back yard is lovely!

garlic lettuce

Lizzy is doing such a good job taking care of her lizard. Every morning that lizard has fresh greens, insects, and water. She also has a great imagination!

Science: flight principles. Learned about air pressure and airfoil. Here are two very cool experiments

Becca’s quilt of the American flag isn’t finished yet (hopefully soon), so she submitted this one to Latin Area and won first! Wahoo!

Our German celebration – very fun. We ate, sipped bubbly and listened to Beethoven.

The girls made everyone a cone (can’t remember the name of it), but they were very sweet. Then they told us what they learned. A nice evening.

Both Jessi and Lizzy had Activity Days this week. Lizzy made a journal. It’s really cute and it came with some journal starts which she is enjoying during school time.
For Jessi’s activity days, they made feather clips (since feathers are so cool right now). She came home without one. When I asked her why, she said she didn’t want one. She doesn’t like them. There are so many layers to this kid! I admire her understanding of gospel topics and now I am seeing how she doesn’t just follow along with what everyone else is doing. She is such a quiet little person. She always has been. One thing I am hoping to gain from our homeschooling time together is a greater understanding of this little person Heavenly Father has placed in our home.
Becca, who won’t let me take her picture anymore, got another Bearkat Pride Award in Chemistry. She really seems to do well in that class. And Saturday was a BIG day for her. This is Ludwig, her new viola. She traded in Xavier (her old viola) on a very nice (read expensive) viola. This is the instrument she will take to college and beyond. At least she doesn’t have to wonder anymore if we are going to get her a small, used car. And at least we are getting a tax return this year!

Saturday Becca also had the opportunity to go to the temple grounds to do a little filming with the church. They are making a short segment (maybe 40 seconds) for the YW General Broadcast on March 24th – and she got to be in the filming! A fun experience. They will take 3 hours of film and reduce it to 40 seconds. It reminded me of Cyndi. So we will be watching on March 24th to see if any of the footage has her in it!
And this picture! Jason with his healthy new ways and Becca with her everything-has-be-Gluten-free ways have been killing me! What am I supposed to cook? It has really upset me. I didn’t realize it, but a lot of my identity as wife and mother are tied up in the cooking of meals that my family enjoys. So I have been grumpy and frustrated of late – and spending way too much time and money at the grocery store! So Saturday I sat down and made a week’s menu of GF meals that are hopefully healthy. A lot of work – but good for my self image!