Meanwhile, Joy was sick. So Sammi, my wonderful right hand, took care of her.
Monday was also Becca’s birthday.
Tuesday Joy was still sick, and Lizzy was as well. A first! – Bella’s first drink!
Grandma stopped by with Becca’s birthday present. It’s purple. It’s been used a lot around here lately – it’s been so cold!
I sent Jessi to school with a blue cast and she comes home with a million signatures! One of the fun perks of breaking a bone.
That night was her 5th Grade Christmas Program
Playing around – I just love that smile!
Before Sandi headed back to Iowa, I got to go out for lunch with the Turpin women. We went to Raoul’s which was wonderful!
Wednesday night there was a big middle school orchestra concert. They asked Becca and her friend to help out. But that meant she wasn’t going to get home till late, late, late and have no dinner. So I bought them up a little something.
Sammi went to mutual on Wednesday. It was the YM/YW Christmas Party. They had a white elephant exchange. She ended up with a $5 Sonic card (which we redeemed the next day!) She had so much fun!
For Personal Progress and Home Ec (love how these things work together), Sammi created a two week menu for us. Then she made a shopping list. It’s a lot of work she learned. Then we went shopping. Joy thought that was a lot of work!
Jason wanted to put up lights this year – but he put them in the back. He decorated the playhouse and a couple of trees. It is so much fun! I asked him what it says about us that we decorate the back of our house?
Joy and her kitty.
Activity Days for Jessi – making cake pops
On Friday Sammi had a home school teen activity. They went up to a park and did some hard physical labor, then had lunch.
Jason picked up a new filter for the little sink. I love it! No more nurses washing their hands in drinking water. AND it fills the hole in the sink. The previous owners must have had one.
A very exciting happening on Friday! As part of Becca’s birthday we gave her three tickets to the Houston Symphony. They loved it! They sat up close and the several members of the orchestra smiled at them and generally interacted with them. It was funny to hear their critique.
Saturday we went and decorated the church for the Ward Christmas Party – this picture doesn’t do the craziness - 72 balloons were very fun to blow up with helium and gather into centerpieces! Meanwhile Becca was at Barnes and Noble playing the viola to earn money for orchestra. She had a lot of fun playing and being with her friends.
We also did a lot of shopping. I am gathering supplies to start some teaching with Bella. I am super excited! Becca got some little gifts for her 5th graders. There was lots of playing going on too!
In the evening the family headed out to the Ward Christmas Party. It started at 6. Our nurse got here around 7. So I got there in time to grab a piece of ham before the high priests took down the tables! But I got to see the girls talk to Santa. Why didn’t Joy talk to Santa? That would be because she was terrified! She saw him walk onto the stage and panicked! “Santa” (clear as a bell by the way) and spoken with absolute terror. She kept panicking and panicking and panicking. Jason took her home. Poor thing!
Some Christmas fun
I thought this was so funny/cute/smart. She wanted to read while eating. With one arm, she is getting creative!
Saturday was also Ben’s birthday. He would have been 17 years old now. I just can’t imagine him that old. I wonder what teenagers will do during the Millennium? I wonder what life will be like with all of those different times and cultures all living together under the reign of the Savior. Looking forward to it.
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