Sunday, June 05, 2011

How do you title this week?

Hanging out with family and enjoying the bounty of summer!IMG_3356IMG_3357

Memorial Day – Jason and Lizzy dried herbs from our garden.  Our kitchen sure smelled good!  We also cleaned a ward member’s house.  They are moving to Northern Idaho.  In this 100 degree weather, that sounds lovely!


Our big treat for the kids, our “End of the School Year!!!!” event was to go out to a Japanese Steak House.  Our chef was really fun and put on a great show!IMG_3363IMG_3364IMG_3365


Joy really surprised me – her favorite was the salad!




Then we went up to the farm to see my family and meet our new steer.  We have named him “Del.”  It is short for delisiosoWinking smile


Tuesday – hanging out.  Jessi came home from school with an award, “Paws for Kindness.”  Yeah Jessi!  We had three friends come over and play after school.  That evening Mandy and Nathan came over while my parents went to the temple.  And our baby’s tummy filled up with air – not sure why or how, but it was very uncomfortable for her.  Jason and Daddy gave her a blessing.  I was very thankful. 


Wednesday – my sweet Joy’s 4th birthday!!  We had donuts for breakfast.  We went to the mall and made her a birthday bear and she had pizza for dinner.  She walked around saying “birthday, birthday.”  She is so cute!  We love you Joy!  Happy birthday!!


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That evening Becca, Bella and I headed down to the ER to get Bella checked out.  Sigh.

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Thursday – it is so hot here!  The water in our kiddie  pool was reading over 100 degrees.  Becca is doing all the name tags for Girl’s Camp.  The lanyards that we ordered came.  Sammi helped her attach the plastic holder.  Now all we need are the inserts.  Daddy and Becca made them.  They are being printed right now.


School is over!!!!!!!!!  My 3rd and 5th Graders.   I got their report cards – both got straight A’s both semesters.  Congratulations girls!


Friday Bella and I visited Cardiology.  She is talking to her reflection here.  The girls went swimming at the Heckers for the end of the year party.June 3 015

Friday at dinner Jason announced that he wanted to do something.  It was the weekend and he wanted to do something fun.  Jason, Becca, Jessi, and Lizzy went to the drive-in!  That was the kid’s first time at the drive-in.    I stayed home with the little girls and sick Sammi.


Saturday I snuck away and went here.  What a blessing to live so close to the temple!




We have been battling a tummy/headache/body ache bug this week.   So far Sammi, then Lizzy, then Jessi and Becca.  Hopefully it will exit very shortly!

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