I inherited a new daughter for the week, well at least from the hours of 6:30AM to about 6 PM, Monday through Friday. Marlissa had her surgery last week and wasn’t ready for Day Care yet(read if she ate anything, she vomited), so she stayed with us for the week.
Monday – the magic of cookie dough! Becca had a Roman Banquet for Latin Club – she was a slave. My Mama had a funeral to attend so Nathan and Mandy got to spend some time over here. Meanwhile, Jessi and Lizzy were sick that day, so they were forbidden to leave their rooms – we couldn’t have three families sick at the same time! Love the picture of Sammi helping Nathan with cursive!
Tuesday – we learned that the change “they” made to our water to include surface water has done more than just make it look yucky and taste bad. It’s also very hard on the pipes. We had the privilege of replacing our faucet – again. Yeah for the plumbers, sad for us. He did say a total house water filter would help – ouch.
Wednesday was a pretty nice day, so Sammi and I decided to do our school work at the park. This is our fall foliage in Houston, not as pretty as New England, but still nice. That afternoon it was back to the library for Garden Club. After much deliberation, Sammi decided to donate her beloved bean plants to the library’s garden. They also brought along some rabbit manure one of the nurses gave us. (Everyone washed their hands afterwards!)
Thursday was Andrew’s birthday – hope it was great! Marlissa ate some pudding – and it stayed down! (This was huge!) It was also Fitness Club for Lizzy and an Orchestra Concert for Becca. It was called A Taste of Klein. The kids play the ensembles they have been working on in rotation. The adults (and kids) bought tickets and then exchanged those tickets for samples of food from area restaurants. We were all so full by the end. The music was great! I am continually amazed at these kids!
They are so talented. We saw an older brother of one of Becca’s friends there. He has completed his mission and is back home. He remarked on how much my family has grown. (The last time I saw him was at Lizzy’s preschool graduation.) Yes, they are growing. So quickly. Too quickly!
This was me by Friday at 6PM. We love Marlissa dearly. I felt so bad for her. She was hurting. She couldn’t eat – which is something we do a lot of around here. She was tired. All she wanted was to be held. And … she was jealous. Poor baby. When I would pick up Bella, Marlissa would cry. When I would pick up Joy, Marlissa would cry. Poor thing. There was some hitting, but mostly it was all jealousy – I am not feeling good, take care of ME! Sweet Lissy – hurry up and get better!
Sammi got to have her friend over to play. They played for seven hours! They don’t get together often, but when they do, they have a wonderful time. They meet through her school last year.
Friday night Jessi had a Girl Scout Movie Night – so fun! They got to bring a non-registered friend, lucky Lizzy! They watched How to Tame a Dragon and ate pop corn. There were door prizes. They got a little game. They had a wonderful time!
Saturday – busy! Lizzy had a soccer game. They won, but shh – they don’t keep score in FFPS. I went to the World Wide Training and got my hands on the new Handbook 2 (all online now – follow the hyperlinks – the church is so fast!). We took Jessi to the Girl Scout store and bought all of her stuff. I have to admit I have been lukewarm at best on my support for yet another thing for our family to do. But flipping through the Junior Badge Book brought back lots of memories. Jessi, I did this one! I got this one! I’m getting more excited! Jessi spent her money from Grandma and Grandpa Turpin – a cake and fondant thing. She likes it! She also got to go to a birthday party that night. Good day for Jessi.
The girls had their piano recital. They were wonderful! They opted not to be videotaped, but I wish I had ignored their requests and done it anyway. They are getting so good! They introduced themselves and played beautifully.
This is what 25 pounds of chocolate chips looks like – yummy!
Playing, playing, and more playing
Sunday Jessi and Sammi had interviews with the Bishop – and they brought him a little cake Jessi made from her kit. Then Sammi had her exit interview with the Primary President – next week is her last week in Primary. Can’t believe it! Sunday was also the Primary Sacrament Program. They each had parts, of course, but they were also asked to sing a small number, just the three of them. They sang “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” Joy was so excited to see them. She stood up on the pew and waved. She said(in a rather loudish type voice), “Bubba, Bubba, Bubba!!!” Then when they were done, she said, “Yeah Bubba!” and clapped her hands. Too cute – in case you were wondering, Bubba is Joy’s word for Sammi. Poor Sammi. Since it was my day to stay home, I got all of this from Jason and Becca. I think it’s cute that she was so excited for her sisters!
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