Monday – Bella had a doctor’s appointment downtown (translation: Bella and I were gone ALL DAY LONG), which meant that Sammi had to babysit Joy. I came home to find that Sammi and Joy had done arts and crafts. I saw that she had brought the monitor into the kitchen so she could monitor Joy while she slept. Then Becca called and said she needed to stay after school for HOSA (a very cool meeting where a 4th year med student from Baylor came to talk to them). So Sammi went and found the stroller
in the garage, woke up Joy from her nap, and walked to the
elementary school to pick up her little sisters. Thank you Sammi! I am so proud of you for taking all that on and handling the unexpected!
One thing I appreciate about Jason is that after working all day, when he comes home if dinner isn’t on the table, he jumps right in and starts cooking. What a blessing with our lives so crazy these days. I am thankful for a cooking husband! I thought I’d just throw in some random life shots:

Wednesday Kathie took us out to lunch for my birthday lunch. It was very yummy! That night Becca and I were able to go to the temple. I love going there! Good day!
It was also Sandi’s birthday – hope it was a great day for you Sandi!
Thursday our Bishop called just to check up on us. I am grateful. He is a very busy man, but he takes the time to check on my family. He reminds me of President Monson in that way. He told me once
that as a Bishop he has a lot to administer, but that it’s the ministering role of the calling that he prefers. What a blessing for those in his ward!
We were also able to finish getting everyone their flu shots – yeah, protection for Bella. After shots, though, McDonald’s is required!!
Thursday morning was the first meeting of Fitness Club at the Elementary school. Lizzy has joined this club. She told me that they run laps and exercise. And she is voluntarily doing this? Yes, she loves it! Whose child is this?
Friday our PT found this really cool Prying Mantis in our front yard. Sammi and I thought is it was great! That night we had red velvet cupcakes. For the season, we said they were blood cupcakes and we were vampires! Our cousin, Katie, came over. She had never had Red Velvet. What? We had to introduce her to this Southern classic.

Saturday Becca bought her first set of scrubs. The first of many she said! Adorable Joy.


And then our ward’s Halloween Party. It was great! There was a Chili Cook-Off, then games by the Young Men/Young Women, followed by Trunk or Treat. We invited a family from soccer. Everyone had a great time!
Crazy teeth, donuts on a string, and tons of candy – what could be better? The girls always trade candy at the end. I think it’s so funny – it’s like the NYSE in there!

back at home: Bella is so happy to see us.

Someone asked me how the search for baby brother is going. One word: frustrating. The girls want their baby brother so badly. Lizzy keeps telling me adamantly that she wants her brother to come through my tummy, not adoption. Well, I finally got to the bottom of that one. She assumed that if we adopted a little boy he would have Down syndrome. She wants a “normal” baby brother. Gotcha babe. We got that all straighten out.
Our home study is almost done, but then I started to think about a private home study and if that would be acceptable to a state agency (we are leaning toward adopting from the state). Well, the long and short of it is no, a private home study is not acceptable. They want to do their own study. They want to do all the training. OK. So we may have to change course. This is the way it always goes with us and adoption. It takes a while to feel out what exactly the Lord is leading us to. It’ll all come clear as we keep putting one foot in front of the other. Every child is important to our Heavenly Father. He will help us find the child meant for our family.