Saturday, June 26, 2010

Wildlife Refuge

We wanted to do one more thing in the San Antonio before we headed back, but what to do?  This trip was a big deal for Bella and we were already pushing it.  So we decided to do the Wildlife Refuge – you stay in your car and drive around, safari style.  This would be fun and better for Bella. 

Highlights from the drive:  Becca got to pet a zebra.  Lizzy was devastated that she didn’t.  She was up in the front trying to get close to one and turned around to see an emu coming toward her Daddy.  All we heard was the terror filled scream.  She was sure that emu was coming in the car and hurting her Daddy.  Her scream scared Bella, so the two of them were crying hysterically and everyone else was laughing.  :)  Afterwards we stopped at the small petting zoo.  I wouldn’t let Bella do that, but she did get to taste an Icee – and that she liked!

After that we drove back home.  I looked around  and felt so much love for each member of my family.  I am grateful we went to San Antonio.  I am grateful that Bella did so well.

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