Monday Bella and I went downtown – BY OURSELVES – no ambulance! That was really huge! Dr. Louis thought Liza Jane was our newest baby. She said, “They gave you another baby???” in totally disbelief. And then before we could answer she turned to Sammi and the nurse and said, “And you stood for it?” :) No, she is my niece and we are just watching her for the week. “Oh, because you don’t have anything else to do?” :) What else is there but to serve and help those we love?
Tuesday was full of therapy and activity days. Wednesday brought more therapy and activity days. Lizzy also went to the dentist. She is the proud owner of a new crown and a new spacer. Poor Lizzy came home and slept all afternoon. The staff at the dentist office loved Liza Jane and I had to reassure them that she was my niece, not mine. That night Becca brought her friend to Young Women. Bec taught the Mia Maids how to make friendship bracelets. We brought Liza Jane with us. The Bishop walked in and saw her and stopped. “What? Someone has been multiplying and I don’t know about it!” No, Bishop. This is my niece. :) Funny theme this week. What will everyone’s reactions be when our next little one joins our family? :)
The girls made slushies:

Thursday Cyndi and her family came over to the house to visit. Our house was the exchanging place for the Rick’s babies. Donna brought Marlisa over to hand her off to Mama. Cyndi took Liza Jane back to the farm with them that evening. We enjoyed having everyone over to visit again. Bella wanted so badly to be part of the excitement! She is becoming more and more social.